Monday, July 18, 2011

Learner's Permit

It's official: I am oldish.

My son turned 16 today so we went to the NYS DMV for his Learner's Permit. It's been said that "you can hide your own age but you cannot hide your child's age" and boy is that ever true. We stopped at our church parking lot for some practice, and I have to say I was very patient and calm. Basically I went into "teacher mode" and avoided dishing sarcastic commentary, at least until he was back in the passenger seat. He did end up driving part of the way home on a quiet country road, and he really did well for his first drive.

Time is funny because I cannot believe my baby is 16, yet I also cannot really remember much about my life before he was born. I suppose someday when I am an elderly wrinkly peach-fuzzy old lady I'll be saying the same thing, about how fast time flies and how life just cruises along, especially if you don't pay attention.

I dug around for some digital pics in my files, and I found these photos of my elementary-age little boy who now towers over me. Sigh.

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